our Rector

The Revd Julie Sear, 01892 770436 In an emergency 07840021909

our address

Coleman’s Hatch, Shepherds Hill, Hartfield TN7 4HN


For the Benefice of Coleman’s Hatch and Hartfield admsmht@gmail.com

Scan the QR code to make a donation

Trinity Hall Regular Church and Community Bookings

Monday’s @ 7:30pm -9:00pm

Spirimawgus Morris

Contact Bob Draper

Monday’s @ 7pm – 9:45pm (check the calendar for dates)

Occasional PCC Meeting

Contact CJ
Wednesday’s @ 10am – 12pm (check the calendar for dates)

Alison Berry Art Classes

Contact Alison

Wednesday’s @ 2pm – 4pm
(check the calendar for dates)
Alison Berry Art Classes

Contact Alison

Wednesday’s @ 6pm – 8pm (check the calendar for dates)

Alison Berry Art Classes

Contact Alison
Wednesday’s @ 8:15pm – 9:45pm (1st Wednesday in September until last Wednesday before St.George’s Day)

Ashdown Forest Men

Contact Bob Draper
2nd & 4th Thursday in the Month @ 9:30am – 12pm

Trinity Cafe

Contact Sheila, Eve or Caroline

2nd Thursday in the Month @ 2pm – 4pm

Women’s Institute

Terry Barber


    01342 825157

3rd Thursday in the Month @ 7:30pm – 9:30pm

Ashdown Wood Turners

Contact Patrick
3rd Friday in the Month @ 6pm – 6:45pm (please check the calendar as not all months have a Talk)

Trinity Talks

Contact Sheila or Caroline