our Rector

The Revd Julie Sear, 01892 770436 In an emergency 07840021909

our address

Coleman’s Hatch, Shepherds Hill, Hartfield TN7 4HN


For the Benefice of Coleman’s Hatch and Hartfield admsmht@gmail.com

Scan the QR code to make a donation


We are caretakers of the Church for the generations to come.  We cannot do this without your help. Thank you.

Giving to Holy Trinity Church

Holy Trinity seeks to be a welcoming and inclusive presence through which the love of Christ is shared and celebrated through worship, learning, care and service. We seek to do so by building on the past, in the present and for the future. Regular giving helps the Church plan for the future and we are very grateful for all those who are helping to care for and maintain the fabric of the buildings.

If you would like to make a one-off donation towards a specific project or want to find out more about regular giving, then please speak to Donald Clarke on 01892 615306.

We will be very grateful for all donations – of any size
Thank you

Why give to Holy Trinity Church?

All of the event and Church fabric and grounds are paid for by the generosity of those who attend. The Church receives no central funding from the Church of England or the government, and everything comes from those who give to Holy Trinity. We could not do it without you. We are stewards for the next generation.

How can I give?

Giving Regularly
We do encourage regular giving by standing order, with a single Gift Aid declaration at the start, or via the Parish Giving Scheme, for which forms can be provided and which will allow total anonymity, if required. We can also take donations from accounts with the Charities Aid Foundation.  Please use our bank details below, and do get in touch if your donations are eligible for Gift Aid.

“Holy Trinity Coleman’s Hatch”: sort code 40-20-09 a/c number 71363492

Any donations from taxpayers will of course qualify for Gift Aid

Those who have left legacies to Holy Trinity have had and continue to have a significant impact towards the ongoing mission of the church and beyond. If you would like to find out more about leaving a legacy to Holy Trinity Church, please contact Rev’d Julie Sear on 01892 770436.

QR codes for giving

Use your camera to make a donation to Holy Trinity Church using the QR codes below.

For other amounts, please make a donation via a bank payment. “Holy Trinity Coleman’s Hatch”: sort code 40-20-09 a/c number 71363492

Select the amount you would like to give to Holy Trinity Coleman’s Hatch